5 Ways To Maximize Virtual Events Using Visuals


Conference season is around the corner, and I’m excited about the possibilities that a virtual environment provides! It's an opportunity to think differently and find creative ways to maximize engagement with visuals.

How can you incorporate visuals in your next event?  Below are five ideas.

Team portraits.  People love to see and share drawings of themselves.  Make your next awards ceremony more engaging by revealing an illustration of each winner as they’re announced. Take it a step further by having an animated GIF made and send it to them to use as their personal avatar.

Participatory Mural.  Invite attendees to co-create a new vision or strategy.  Send them a survey with key questions to answer, and the graphic recorder will turn it into a beautiful mural that includes everyone's ideas. Reveal the mural in-progress several times throughout the event, and end with a splash by revealing the finished piece.

Digital graffiti wall.  Capture the energy and excitement of your event by incorporating attendee’s ideas, a-has, and key takeaways into a custom graffiti wall.  Like a participatory mural, it can be revealed in-progress throughout the event.  Working digitally offers unlimited ways to execute a realistic graffiti look and can be created much faster than analog.  Bonus: it’s non toxic too!

Visual Summary of a prerecorded webinar.  Even if your event isn’t live, incorporating visual summaries of the keynotes will bring key themes to life in such a fun way.  The finished art can be saved as a time-lapse video and synced with the speech for an even more engaging experience.
Custom branded graphics. Integrate graphic recording before your event with an illustrated teaser video, during the event with live graphic recording, and after with a summary graphic. Your event will have a cohesive look and feel from beginning to end.
Switching to virtual doesn’t mean your event won’t be as good or even better than last year.  Contact me and let's talk about how to leverage graphic recording to make your next event truly memorable and engaging!