You Won't Believe How Easy It Is To Visualize Your 2018 Goals!
Drag image onto your desktop then print it on either letter or tabloid size paper.
Happy New Year! With the holiday frenzy behind us, it’s a great time to set goals for 2018. For many of us it seems daunting to look at the year ahead of us and figure out where to start wih our new goals, so I created a simple Vision Template to help to make it fun and easy. A quick review of where you’ve been serves as a springboard into the future, and it also helps us see and celebrate our strengths and take them with us into the future.
After you print the template, create your own personal vision starting from the left in 2017 and moving to where you want to be in 2018 on the right.
- In 2017 what were your Moments of Greatest Joy and Fulfillment? This question puts us in a positive state of mind and helps us see our passions clearly.
- What Was Challenging? Notice if any of your challenges are the same as your greatest joys (they often are!)
- Who are the People and Relationships that Matter Most? For example, are the right people on your team?
The answers to these three simple questions will give you the information you need to start outlining your 2018 goals. Start at the top of the mountain with where you want to be in 2018 and then list specific goals below.
Have fun visualizing your future!