Posts tagged graphic facilitator california
We can learn a lot from children's books

Graphic highlighting the theme: Change Is Possibility

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Go Ahead And Scream About It

Dr. Arin Reeves keynote: The Intersection of Wellness and Inclusion. Live visual notes by Alece Birnbach.

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What do you want more of in 2024?

Knowledge Wall or Collaboration Wall showing what a global team would love more of in 2024.

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A Metaphor Is Worth A Thousand Pictures

The most powerful use of metaphor I've seen is when a team creates one together. 

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But will a six-year-old understand you?

Einstein quote: "If you can't explain it to a six-year-old you don't understand it yourself".

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Analog or Digital?

Learn the benefits of both analog and digital graphic recording or graphic facilitation.

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What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?

Knowledge Wall created by Alece Birnbach, graphic recorder for LPL Financial.

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Knowledge Is Power

Knowledge Walls are collaborative murals created on-site by a graphic recorder, bringing participants into a visual experience at conferences and events.

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One Easy Way To Boost Engagement

Setting up for a Gallery Walk for Foster America’s annual convening in Denver, CO.

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From Vision to Reality: Why Vision Mapping Works

Vision Map celebrating the opening of the Roseville Inspiration Garden.

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A Decade Of Change

Graphic Recording Studio is ten years old. Our services include: visual note taking, digitally illustrated journey maps and vision maps, animated sketch videos.

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Form A Relationship With Mystery

Graphic recording of Dr. BJ Miller’s inspirational keynote.

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